Winter Adult Basketball – Friday League

Winter Adult Basketball – Friday League

Ballin’ For Jesus vs Bulls
Shooting Blanks vs .500
5%ers vs Niner Nation
Shooting Blanks vs The Boys
SS Lifers vs Ballin' For Jesus
.500 vs Niner Nation
Bulls vs .500
Ballin’ For Jesus vs 5%ers
The Boys vs SS Lifers
Bulls vs Shooting Blanks
5%ers vs SS Lifers
Niner Nation vs The Boys
5%ers vs Bulls
Shooting Blanks vs The Boys
.500 vs Ballin' For Jesus
Niner Nation vs SS Lifers
Shooting Blanks vs Ballin' For Jesus
Bulls vs Niner Nation
SS Lifers vs .500
5%ers vs. The Boys
SS Lifers vs Bulls
5%ers vs Shooting Blanks
.500 vs The Boys
Niner Nation vs Ballin' For Jesus
Bulls vs The Boys
Shooting Blanks vs SS Lifers
5%ers vs Ballin' For Jesus
Niner Nation vs .500
Bulls vs Ballin' For Jesus
Shooting Blanks vs The Boys
.500 vs 5%ers
SS Lifers vs Niner Nation