January 2nd update:
Shoreline Sports Youth Basketball Leagues 2020-2021
As of right now, we are postponing our early winter league until the week of January 25th. We will then continue games and practices through Friday, March 12.
Then we will offer Spring Basketball (this will replace the scheduled Late Winter BB season for this year) from March 22 (the first week of practices) through May 15 with games starting April 3 and the final games on May 15.
Thank you again for your interest in Shoreline Sports Basketball Leagues. Please let Dan Willard know if you have any questions or concerns.
August 22nd update:
Shoreline Sports Youth Basketball Leagues 2020-2021
Policies and Procedures
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Shoreline Sports Basketball Leagues 2020-2021 will be run very differently from our previous 24 years. Here are some notes on how we plan to handle our basketball league operations.
1. All coaches will have temperature checks pre-practice and games. They will wear masks. We will also be taking the temperature of every players and anyone staying to observe.
2. We do not plan to have a snack bar until we are allowed to do so.
3. We will make every effort to limit the practice use to 2-3 teams and have one game on Saturdays whenever feasible.
4. During devotions, players are allowed to eat a snack from home, but no sharing is allowed. All players need to have their own marked water bottle.
5. Each team will have its own basketballs, pinnies and wristbands (K-2) and they will be cleaned after each group’s use. Players are welcome to bring basketballs from home.
6. Either another worker or I will be here as an on-site health and safety coordinator for every practice and game.
7. We request that any parent or sibling staying to observe the practice or game, to wear a mask and stay in the area where their player’s team is participating.
8. We ask that all observers practice social distancing with anyone outside their family.
9. The gym will be sanitized each night; the bathroom will be sanitized throughout the day.
10. The drinking fountain will be turned off, so please make sure your player has plenty of water.
Thank you again for your interest in Shoreline Sports Basketball Leagues. Please let Dan Willard know if you have any questions or concerns.
June 15th update:
The above video was made by Josh Surico who grew up attending Shoreline Sports as a participant and then began working for us.
You may recognize him as one of our youth league referees, as a coach, or as one of our summer camp directors.
Thanks Josh for helping us demonstrate the new policies and procedures put in place this year!
May 28th Update:
We are so excited that we will be able to offer camps this summer! We have updated our summer camps page with our hours and dates for camps. We’d love to have you join us! For the safety of our campers, we have made some adjustments to this year’s structure, please read below.
Shoreline Sports Camps 2020 Policies and Procedures
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Shoreline Sports Camps 2020 will be run very differently from our previous 22 years. Here are some notes on how we plan to handle our camp operations.
1. The schedule has been adjusted to reduce all camps to 2 hours as we will not have a snack bar or team games outside the campers group.
2. All campers will be in a group (team) of 10 or fewer participants. Each group will have 2-3 coaches who will stay with the group the entire two hours.
3. Campers will stay in one area of the gym or on the field and will not rotate to various stations. The 2-3 coaches will teach all the regular stations to their own group.
4. During devotions, campers are allowed to eat a snack from home, but no sharing is allowed. All campers need to have their own marked water bottle.
5. Each group will have its own equipment, and it will be cleaned after each group’s use.
6. We will have an on-site health and safety coordinator for every camp.
7. We request that any parent or sibling staying to observe the camp wear a mask and stay in the area where their camper’s group is participating.
8. We ask that all observers practice social distancing with anyone outside their family.
9. The gym will be sanitized each night; the bathroom will be sanitized throughout the day.
10. The drinking fountain will be turned off, so please make sure your camper has plenty of water.
Thank you again for your interest in Shoreline Sports Camps. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Dan Willard
Shoreline Sports Director
March 27th update:
Shoreline Sports family,
Based on some local school closures and government recommendations, we are suspending Shoreline Sports activities effective immediately. We will not host youth practices or games on Friday or games on Saturday. We will not have adult leagues beyond Tuesday, March 17th.
For youth basketball – We plan to resume practices the week of April 27th and games Saturday, May 2nd and extend the season to May 30th. (We are planning to be flexible with that date however, as we realize we may need to pick it up even later). We are also planning to offer a summer basketball league starting the week of June 22nd. More details on that to come!
For adult basketball – We plan to begin the next season for Tuesday nights on April 7th and for Friday nights on April 10th.
But, we realize it is a very fluid situation, and we will keep you informed.
Thank you all for working with us and for your flexibility and patience. We are praying constantly for a better understanding of what is happening.
Please let us know if you have any questions.