About Me
Breanna grew up attending Shoreline sports camps and playing in the leagues. She began working summer camps in 2004 and has been running the camps as a director since 2007. In the Fall of 2019 Breanna and her husband moved to Iowa. She no longer directs our camps but still maintains our media and marketing.
Breanna became a Christian at age seven. She met her husband, Steven Herd, through Shoreline Sports back in the early 2000s, and they got married in August of 2016. She graduated from Azusa Pacific University with her Bachelor’s in psychology in May of 2014 and California State Long Beach with her Master’s in sport and exercise psychology in May of 2017 then back to Azusa Pacific University for a Master’s in Educational Counseling in May of 2019.
Not unlike her father, Breanna also enjoys using her feet as transportation however she does so by running. She has completed 10 marathons, 18 half-marathons, and 2 triathalons.